Ex) Article Title, Author, Keywords
Original Article | 2024-06-30
초음파유도하 제3요추횡돌기 침도치료의 의의 및 프로토콜
The Significance and Protocol of Ultrasound-Guided Acupotomy Treatment for Third Lumbar Transverse Process Syndrome
김재석1,*, 김홍익2, 최성운3
Journal of Korean Medical Society of Acupotomology 2024; 8(1): 1-6
https://doi.org/10.54461/JAcupotomy.2024.8.1.1AbstractAbstract : Background: The aim of this article is to propose the safe and effective protocol for ultrasound- guided acupotomy procedure at the third lumbar transverse process syndrome. Needling at the third lumbar transverse process syndrome can cause side effects such as kidney damage. In this regard, the need to present a safer and more accurate method of needling at the third lumbar transverse process is enhanced. Methods: The procedure method was introduced along with the ultrasound image by applying ultrasound-guided acupotomy. Ultrasound machine was used with Samsung V7 and CA1-7SD convex probe. Results: A safe ultrasound procedure was presented. Conclusion: If the third lumbar transverse syndrome is treated in this way, the patient may be treated in a small invasive and effective way.
Case Report | 2024-06-30
한방 외용제와 약침 병행요법을 통해 치료된 당뇨병성 족부병변과 결합된 각화형 무좀의 복합상태 호전에 대한 증례보고: 방문진료 경험
Use of Herbal Topicals and Pharmacopuncture for the Treatment of Keratotic Athlete’s Foot Combined with Diabetic Foot Lesions: A Case Report from a Home-Visiting Healthcare Service
양가람1, 추홍민2, 김윤숙3, 안원근1,*
Journal of Korean Medical Society of Acupotomology 2024; 8(1): 7-16
https://doi.org/10.54461/JAcupotomy.2024.8.1.7AbstractAbstract : Objectives: Fungal infections are the leading cause of foot lesions in diabetics. However, oral and topical antifungal therapies require prolonged use and are often difficult to implement in polypharmacy situations due to the risk of drug interactions and poor patient compliance. This study presents the case of a diabetic patient treated for long-standing tinea pedis without the use of antifungal drugs. The treatment relied solely on herbal ointments and pharmacopuncture. Methods: The patient used two kinds of herbal ointments daily, and acupuncture was performed on the affected area approximately every 10 days via home-visiting healthcare service. Results: Approximately 1 month after treatment initiation, clearance of moccasin-type tinea pedis was observed. High patient satisfaction was reported, with decreased pain on walking and a half-point improvement in the Bates-Jensen wound assessment tool score. Conclusion: Effective short-term treatment of tinea pedis in a diabetic patient was achieved using herbal topicals and acupuncture, without the use of antifungal medication.
Case Report | 2024-06-30
rTMS (repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation) 및 침도치료를 병행하여 호전된 이명 환자 23례
A Case Series of rTMS with Acupotomy Treatment on the Tinnitus
손덕칭1,a,*, 김홍익2,a
Journal of Korean Medical Society of Acupotomology 2024; 8(1): 17-24
https://doi.org/10.54461/JAcupotomy.2024.8.1.17AbstractAbstract : Objectives: The aim of this report is to report the effect of Acupotomy and rTMS on tinnitus. Methods: A total of 23 patients who visited the clinic for tinnitus symptoms received treatment, which included rTMS stimulation on the temporoparietal cortex and acupotomy treatment on the transverse processes of the cervical vertebrae. Rectus capitis posterior major, Rectus capitis posterior minor and TE17 for 10 times. Results: The average NRS of patients before receiving rTMS and acupuncture treatment was 7.61±1.12 points, which decreased to an average of 3.09±1.53 points after treatment, with statistical significance. Conclusion: This research suggests that rTMS and acupotomy treatment may be effective therapeutic methods for alleviating tinnitus symptoms.
Case Report | 2024-06-30
침도와 호침 및 한의복합치료로 호전된 뇌혈관 기형 동반 동안신경마비 환자 증례보고
A Case Report of Vascular Oculomotor Nerve Palsy Patient Improved with Korean Medicine Treatment: Focusing on Acupotomy and Acupuncture
곽미주1, 구원모2, 유명석1,2,*
Journal of Korean Medical Society of Acupotomology 2024; 8(1): 25-37
https://doi.org/10.54461/JAcupotomy.2024.8.1.25AbstractAbstract : Background: The aim of this study is to report the effect of Korean medicine treatment for a patient with oculomotor nerve palsy associated with intracranial vascular lesions (flow-related disorder at cavernous portion). Methods: We treated a patient who had suffered from right diplopia, right eye pain, ptosis and diagnosed with right oculomotor nerve palsy, with acupotomy, acupuncture, and herbal therapy. The effect of treatment was assessed by MRD1, MRD2, photographs and videos of eyeball movement. Also brain MRI, DWI and MRA were used to identify the intracranial vascular lesions and evaluate the improvement of venous flow at cavernous portion associated with right oculomotor nerve. Results: After treatment, patient’s symptoms such as diplopia, limitation of eye movement and ptosis were improved and right eye pain, headache, dizziness were decreased. Also probable improvement of cavernous dural arteriovenous fistula (AVF) was found by brain MRA. Conclusion: This report suggests that Korean medicine treatment including acupotomy can be effective in symptoms such as diplopia, ptosis related to oculomotor nerve palsy with flow-related lesions at cavernous portion including intracranial vascular lesions.
Case Report | 2024-06-30
보톡스 치료 후 유발된 안검 하수증의 침치료 단일 증례 보고: 상안검거근의 해부학적 구조를 중심으로
A Single Case Report of Botulinum Toxin Induced Blepharoptosis Treated by Acupuncture: Focusing on the Anatomy of Eye Levator Palpebrae Superioris Muscle
위인전1,*, 이승훈1, 우종원2,3
Journal of Korean Medical Society of Acupotomology 2024; 8(1): 38-42
https://doi.org/10.54461/JAcupotomy.2024.8.1.38AbstractAbstract : Objectives: The aim of this paper is to report a case of improved blepharoptosis following Botulinum Toxin injection on an eyelid, treated solely with acupuncture treatment. Methods: A 40-year-old woman with 2-year-lasted ptosis of right eyelid following a Botox injection was treated with acupuncture. Central and peripheral facial palsy were ruled out using the House-Brackmann scale. The acupuncture treatment targeted muscles and nerves near the orbit, and the progress was evaluated using the Marginal Reflex Distance- 1 (MRD-1). Results: Before the treatment, the MRD-1 of the right eye was 1.5 mm, indicating severe ptosis. And a rice-sized knot was observed on the right eyelid. After two sessions of treatment, the MRD-1 of the right eye has recovered to 3 mm, and the knot was no longer palpable. Conclusion: Acupuncture treatment might be effective for blepharoptosis that occurs after Botox injection.
Case Report | 2024-06-30
침치료와 자락치료 위주의 한의 복합 치료로 호전된 장기간 지속된 이명, 이충만감 및 난청 증례 보고
A Case of Long-Term Tinnitus, Aural Fullness, and Hearing Loss Improved by Complex Korean Medicine Treatment Focused on Acupuncture and Bloodletting Therapy
강준혁1,2, 김시진1,2,*, 김광호1, 김경찬1,3
Journal of Korean Medical Society of Acupotomology 2024; 8(1): 43-48
https://doi.org/10.54461/JAcupotomy.2024.8.1.43AbstractAbstract : Background: The aim of this study is to report the effect of Complex Korean Medicine Treatment, which includes Acupotomy, intranasal bloodletting therapy and soft palate bloodletting therapy on tinnitus and aural fullness. Methods: One patient with tinnitus and aural fullness was treated with Korean medicine therapy, including Acupotomy, intranasal bloodletting therapy, and soft palate acupuncture twice a week. Treatment progress was assessed using the Numeral Rating Scale (NRS) and Automated Micro Audiometer Pure-Tone Audiometry (AMA-PTA). Results: The patient’s symptoms of aural fullness and tinnitus disappeared after the treatment, and an improvement in hearing test results was also observed. Conclusion: These results suggest that Complex Korean Medicine Therapy, which includes Acupotomy, intranasal bloodletting therapy, and soft palate bloodletting therapy, could be an effective treatment for long-term tinnitus, hearing loss, and aural fullness.
Case Report | 2024-06-30
COVID-19 감염 후 발병한 불면증 태음인 환자에 대한 청심연자탕가감방 치험 1례
A Case Report on a Taeumin Patient with Complications of COVID-19 Complaining of Insomnia Disorder Treated with Modified Cheongsimyeonja-Tang
Journal of Korean Medical Society of Acupotomology 2024; 8(1): 49-52
https://doi.org/10.54461/JAcupotomy.2024.8.1.49AbstractAbstract : Background: The aim of this study is to report significant improvement of insomnia treated with Modified Cheongsimyeonja-tang. Methods: A Taeumin patient who complained of insomnia, which began one week after the COVID-19 quarantine, was treated for a month with Modified Cheongsimyeonja-tang. Results: Before treatment, the patient took sleep-inducing drugs and slept for five hours a day. After treatment with Modified Cheongsimyeonja-tang, the patient could sleep for seven to eight hours without taking sleep-inducing drugs. Conclusion: It shows that Modified Cheongsimyeonja-tang is effective for insomnia, which is a aftereffect of COVID-19, in Taeum-in.
Case Report | 2024-06-30
김환준1,*, 오기창2, 정세훈3
Journal of Korean Medical Society of Acupotomology 2024; 8(1): 53-58
https://doi.org/10.54461/JAcupotomy.2024.8.1.53AbstractAbstract : Background: Insomnia is a sleep disorder that makes it difficult to fall asleep, stay asleep, or wake up early. The prevalence of insomnia is on the rise in Korea. The purpose of this paper is to propose a new treatment for insomnia. Methods: In this study, the Pittsburgh Quality of Sleep Index was performed on 2 patients complaining of insomnia. It was used to diagnose insomnia and track treatment progress. Golchimdo was performed in two acupoints (Sinbaihui, Gubaihui) on scalp and thoracic intervertebral space. In addition, acupuncture, electro-acupuncture and cupping therapy were performed. The acupoints on the occiput were selected according to the RSN acupuncture method. Results: In both patients, the PSQI-K score returned to the normal range after the treatment. The patient’s discomfort, including sleep duration, time to fall asleep, and arousal during sleep, improved. Conclusion: The patient’s insomnia improved rapidly after receiving treatment, which included Golchimdo therapy. We suggest that Golchimdo therapy is effective in treating insomnia. More studies on Golchimdo mechanisms and treatment studies are needed.
Review Article | 2023-12-30
제3요추횡돌기증후군의 생체역학적, 해부생리학적, 신경화학적관점의 고찰과 의의
Biomechanical, Anatomical, and Neurochemical Perspectives on L3 Transverse Process Syndrome and Its Significance: A Review
김재석1, 권고은2, 김홍익3, 이주현4, 최성운5,*
Journal of Korean Medical Society of Acupotomology 2023; 7(2): 115-120
https://doi.org/10.54461/JAcupotomy.2023.7.2.115AbstractAbstract : Background: The third lumbar transverse process syndrome refers to local tenderness and other symptoms accompanied by pain in the lower back, hips, and legs due to chronic damage to muscles, fascia, and other soft tissues attached to third lumbar transverse process. The third lumbar transverse process syndrome was proposed in acupotomology, and the third lumbar transverse process syndrome accounts for a large part of low back pain. We investigated the importance of third lumbar transverse process syndrome from view of biomechanical, anatomical physiology, and neurochemical. Methods: We searched and organized of literature on third lumbar process syndrome through pubmed, google scholar & CNKI. Results: The effects of acuptomy treatment were examined from three perspectives. From a biomechanics point of view, Acupotomy treatment relieves abnormal tension in soft tissues and stimulates recovery. From anatomical physiology point of view, acupotomy treatment into fascia can improve blood flow and normalize wrinkles and elasticity to restore the normal function of the fascia. From a neurochemistry point of view, acupotomy treatment reduces the high concentration of NO produced by iNOS and promotes the repair of soft tissue, also reduces chronic pain by lowering TNF-α and IL-1β serum levels. Conclusion: The finding of this paper will help to provide understanding of biomechanical, anatomical, and neurochemical perspectives of the third lumbar transverse process Syndrome and It’s significance.
Review Article | 2023-12-30
초음파 유도하 자침술: 포괄적 리뷰 및 최신 현황
Current Insights and Updates in Ultrasound-Guided Acupuncture: A Comprehensive Review and Status Report
추홍민1,2,a, 박성준1,3,a, 강경호1,4, 이주현1, 오지우5, 윤주원5, Quanyu Piao3, 김재효3,*, 이상훈6,7,*
Journal of Korean Medical Society of Acupotomology 2023; 7(2): 121-130
https://doi.org/10.54461/JAcupotomy.2023.7.2.121AbstractAbstract : Background: Ultrasound-guided acupuncture has gained significance in diverse medical applications, particularly in enhancing the accuracy and safety of procedures. This technique has shown promising results in clinical effectiveness and safety compared to traditional methods. Methods: We conducted a comprehensive review of studies involving ultrasound-guided acupuncture, analyzing its accuracy and clinical impact. We explored various conditions, such as musculoskeletal pain syndromes, trigger finger, knee osteoarthritis, and more, to compare the efficacy of ultrasound-guided acupuncture against conventional techniques. Results: Ultrasound-guided acupuncture demonstrated enhanced accuracy in targeting specific anatomical structures, thereby improving the precision and effectiveness of the treatment. Studies highlighted its superiority in reducing complications and recurrence rates, particularly in conditions like trigger finger and knee osteoarthritis. Conclusion: The development and application of ultrasound technology in guiding acupuncture procedures offer a safer and more effective approach to clinical practice. As ultrasound technology continues to advance, its integration with acupuncture can further refine and standardize protocols, potentially influencing future research and establishing standardized guidelines for practice.
Review Article | 2023-12-30
권현수1,a, 김지민1,a, 방민준1, 배재원1, 오병현1, 김홍익2, 정세훈3, 유명석4,*
Journal of Korean Medical Society of Acupotomology 2023; 7(2): 131-143
https://doi.org/10.54461/JAcupotomy.2023.7.2.131AbstractAbstract : Introduction: The purpose of this study is to provide anatomical information of BL40 including applicable needling depth, bloodletting methods and related physiological effect. Methods: The contents about BL40 were extracted from literature. Then we investigated the clinical effect, needling feature (depth/angle/stimulation method) and the bloodletting methods of BL40, searching online databases like ‘RISS’, ‘Oasis’, ‘DBPIA’, ’Naver Academic information’, ‘National Research institute of Korea’, ‘Pubmed’, ‘Google scholar’ and ‘CNKI’ from 1990 to 2023. Results: According to the classic test, the needling depth of BL40 is 9.35-33.15 mm, that of previous research is 9.4 mm-23.4 mm. When acupuncture is applied at that level, stimulatable anatomical structures were deep popliteal fascia and tibial nerve. Conclusion: The remarkable effect of BL40 is originated from stimulation of deep popliteal fascia and tibial nerve. It is necessary for BL40 to be stimulated as 15.5 mm depth.
Review Article | 2023-12-30
유승완1,a, 이원희1,a, 김수현1, 박세연1, 이은혜1, 허진석1, 김홍익2, 정세훈3, 추홍민4,*
Journal of Korean Medical Society of Acupotomology 2023; 7(2): 144-153
https://doi.org/10.54461/JAcupotomy.2023.7.2.144AbstractAbstract : Background: The aim of this study is to provide the anatomical information and physiological effect of LR3 with its needling depth and retention time. Methods: We investigated the information of LR3 from literature and related research. Then we searched the clinical effect and needling depth, angle, retention time of LR3 from on-line databases like ‘DBPIA’, ‘KISS’, ‘OASIS’, ‘RISS’, PUBMED’ and ‘Google Scholar’ (2005-2023). Results: The needling depth of LR3 is 7-13 mm in the classic test, that of contemporary research is 10-20 mm. When stimulating LR3, the relative anatomical structures are dorsalis pedis artery and medial terminal branch of deep peroneal nerve. Conclusion: The effect of LR3 is originated from stimulation of deep peroneal nerve nearby dorsalis pedis artery. It activates the parasympathetic nerve through the induction of somatic autonomous reflex which leads to the effect of blood vessel expansion, intestinal movement activation, and blood sugar drop.
Original Article | 2023-12-30
이주현1, 김재석2, 김홍익3, 최성운4,*
Journal of Korean Medical Society of Acupotomology 2023; 7(2): 154-159
https://doi.org/10.54461/JAcupotomy.2023.7.2.154AbstractAbstract : Background: The aim of this article is to propose the safe and effective protocol for ultrasound-guided acupotomy procedure. Ultrasound is very effective to increase the safety and accuracy of acupotomy. Out-of-plane approach has the advantage of being relatively less invasive and shorter procedure time compared to in-plane approach, so it is suitable for acupotomy. Therefore, we introduce the protocol of ultrasound-guided acupotomy with out-of-plane approach. Methods: The procedure method was introduced along with the ultrasound image by applying ultrasound-guided acupotomy on ultrasound phantom. Results: The finding of this paper will help to provide efficient ultrasound scan and treatment method for patients undergoing acupotomy. This is expected to lead to a safer and more effective approach to clinical decision-making and treatment regarding the use of ultrasound-guided acupotomy. Conclusion: The out-of-plane approach for ultrasound-guided acupotomy provides convenience and safety cpmpared to the in-plane approach.
Original Article | 2023-12-30
강경호1,2,*, 추홍민1,3, 김범창1, 왕진삼1
Journal of Korean Medical Society of Acupotomology 2023; 7(2): 160-164
https://doi.org/10.54461/JAcupotomy.2023.7.2.160AbstractAbstract : Background: This study introduces an approach to ultrasound guided acupotomy for foraminal stenosis, for enhanced precision. Methods: Anatomical and vascular considerations of spine were explored to identify suitable candidates based on foramen width and type of stenosis. The procedure involved ultrasound-guided acupotomy needling in the posterior superior and posterior inferior quarters, with safety measures. Results: Precise acupotomy needling in identified quarters proved effective, with careful attention to safety measures minimizing adverse events. Ultrasound guidance significantly enhanced accuracy throughout the procedure. Conclusion: This research advocates for the adoption of ultrasound-guided acupotomy in foraminal stenosis cases. By integrating anatomical insights, vascular considerations, and advanced imaging techniques, this approach offers a safe and effective alternative in the management of spinal stenosis, paving the way for further exploration in non-surgical interventions.
Original Article | 2023-12-30
환도의 자침법: 환도의 주치증에 대한 신경해부학적 접근을 바탕으로
Needling Method of Acupoint GB30: Based on Neuroanatomical Approach to the Principal Symptoms of GB30
최나영1, 윤주희1, 한다윤1, 이대원1, 채효청2,*, 오기창3, 우종원4
Journal of Korean Medical Society of Acupotomology 2023; 7(2): 165-180
https://doi.org/10.54461/JAcupotomy.2023.7.2.165AbstractAbstract : Objectives: The purpose of this study is to provide anatomical information, as well as applicable needling methods and related physiological effects of GB30. Methods: Through the literature analysis, the location, needling method, clinical effect of GB30 were extracted. Based on this information, we investigated the stimulable structures and their therapeutic effects related with GB30 from literature. Results: Connecting the anatomical structures that can be stimulated by needling at GB30 with the clinical effects of GB30, the following can be observed: the inferior gluteal nerve and gluteus maximus, sciatic nerve, piriformis muscle, and gemelli-obturator complex, were associated with symptoms in the waist and lower extremity regions. The quadratus femoris muscle, pudendal nerve, and posterior femoral cutaneous nerve were related to sacroiliac pain. Conclusion: This study has provided insights into the depth and direction of needling at GB30, along with the anatomical structures that can be stimulated as a result, and their corresponding therapeutic effects.
Original Article | 2023-12-30
천유혈의 해부학적 구조: 체계적 문헌고찰과 초음파 영상을 통한 확인
The Anatomical Structure and Physiological Therapeutic Mechanism of Acupoint TE16: A Systematic Literature Review and Exploration through Ultrasonographic Imaging
박성준1,2,a, 공나현3,a, 이수민3, 신진영3, 강경호1, 김재효2,*, 추홍민3,4,*
Journal of Korean Medical Society of Acupotomology 2023; 7(2): 181-186
https://doi.org/10.54461/JAcupotomy.2023.7.2.181AbstractAbstract : Background: TE16, an acupuncture point near the second cervical vertebra’s spinous process (C2), signifies the 16th point on the Triple Energizer Meridian. ‘Celestial’ (天) denotes its upper body placement, while ‘pivot’ (牖) metaphorically describes a window for ventilation and light. Positioned at the back of the neck, aligned with the mandible’s angle, TE16 aligns with TE17 in the front and SI16 at the posterior shield-shaped cartilage’s height. Traditional Chinese Medicine literature associates these points with opening and connecting the “five senses” or facial orifices. Methods: Our study systematically reviewed anatomical and physiological aspects related to TE16, exploring both Korean and international databases. We included various study types, emphasizing anatomical structure or physiological mechanisms associated with TE16. Results: Of 250 studies, eight were selected, predominantly from China (eight), Taiwan (one), and Korea (one). The research focused on anatomical structure, with one study examining depth and another highlighting physiological mechanisms. Conclusion: The review disclosed TE16’s anatomical connection with the sternocleidomastoid muscle, its potential involvement in conditions like sudden deafness, and explored physiological mechanisms. Our findings endorse TE16’s use in clinical practice, emphasizing precise acupuncture depth and method while considering safety measures during needling. Integrating imaging technologies like ultrasound may enhance our understanding of TE16’s anatomical structures.
Case Report | 2023-12-30
손덕칭1,a,*, 김홍익2,a, 정세훈3,a
Journal of Korean Medical Society of Acupotomology 2023; 7(2): 187-194
https://doi.org/10.54461/JAcupotomy.2023.7.2.187AbstractAbstract : Background: The aim of this report is to report the effect of Acupotomy on idiopathic acute myelitis. Methods: A 63 year-old female patient was diagnosed with idiopathic acute myelitis and complained of Paraplegia, low limb sensory alterations, and urinary retention and loss of bowel control. This patient received acupotomy treatment on the L4-L5 internal intervertebral foramen and BL-31, BL-32 and gluteus maximus, biceps femoris. Results: After twelve sessions of acupotomy treatment, the patient’s Lower Extremity Motor score and total sensory Score of ASIA was improved from total score of 26, 192 each to 40, 208 and the patient achieved independent slow ambulation for a 30 minutes, also there was mild recovery observed in pin prick and light touch sensory testing in the S4-5 region. Conclusion: This study suggests that acupotomy treatment may be effective in alleviating limb weakness, paraplegia, low limb sensory alterations, and other symptoms of acute myelitis.
Case Report | 2023-12-30
요추수술실패증후군(Failed Back Surgery Syndrome) 1례에 대한 침도 치료 증례보고
A Case Report of Acupotomy Treatment on the Failed Back Surgery Syndrome
우종원1,2, 조시용1,3,*
Journal of Korean Medical Society of Acupotomology 2023; 7(2): 195-201
https://doi.org/10.54461/JAcupotomy.2023.7.2.195AbstractAbstract : Background: Failed Back Surgery Syndrome (FBSS) is a term that means a clinical entity which occurred after a single or more spinal surgery. Objectives: The aim of this study is to make report the effect of acupotomy treatment of FBSS. Methods: The patient with FBSS was given treatment with acupotomy. The effect of treatment was assessed by Numeric Rating Scale (NRS). Results: The NRS decreased from 10 to 2 after 6 sessions of acupotomy treatments. Conclusion: This report suggest that acupotomy treatment could be effective in FBSS.
Case Report | 2023-12-30
쇄골상신경(Supraclavicular Nerve) 포착 증후군의 침도 치료에 대한 증례보고
Case Report of Acupotomy Treatment for Supraclavicular Nerve Entrapment
박종화1,a, 김홍익2,a,*
Journal of Korean Medical Society of Acupotomology 2023; 7(2): 202-207
https://doi.org/10.54461/JAcupotomy.2023.7.2.202AbstractAbstract : Background: The purpose of the study is to report the effectiveness of acupotomy on lingering frontal and lateral shoulder pain. Supraclavicular nerve entrapment is one of the representative diseases at the clinic, but there was no report in Korea and there were only a few of reports in western medicine. Methods: Two patients with persisting frontal and lateral shoulder pain was treated with acupotomy. The treatment effect was evaluated using the Numeric Rating Scale (NRS). Results: The NRS score of a patient improved from 7 to 2, and another patient improved from 9 to 1.5. Conclusion: Acupotomy could be effective on Supraclavicular nerve entrapment.
Case Report | 2023-12-30
유명석1,*, 채효청2
Journal of Korean Medical Society of Acupotomology 2023; 7(2): 208-211
https://doi.org/10.54461/JAcupotomy.2023.7.2.208AbstractAbstract : Objects: The aim of this study is to report the case of a patient with plantar corn who showed improvement with acupotomy treatment. Methods: A 61-year-old patient with plantar corn received acupotomy and pharmacopuncture once a week over a four-month period. Improvement was assessed by a numerical rating scale (NRS) and visual observation by the examiner. Results: The score of NRS was improved from 7 to 0. The plantar corn has been removed. Conclusion: The plantar corn have been removed after treatment. The patient’s discomfort NRS decreased from 7 to 0. These improvements suggest that the acupotomy may be effective for Plantar Corn.
Case Report | 2023-12-30
침도를 중심으로 한 한의복합치료로 호전된 내측반월판 손상 환자 증례보고
A Case Report of Medial Meniscus Tear Patient Improved with Korean Medicine Treatment: Focusing on Acupotomy
임광환1,*, 김경찬2
Journal of Korean Medical Society of Acupotomology 2023; 7(2): 212-218
https://doi.org/10.54461/JAcupotomy.2023.7.2.212AbstractAbstract : Background: The aim of this study is to report the effect of acupotomy for medial meniscus tear. Methods: The patient was given treatment with korean medicine therapy, including acupotomy and herbal therapy. The effect of treatment was assessed by range of motion (ROM) of knee joint. Results: As a result of 49 acupotomy treatments from July. 30. 2022 to November. 10. 2023, extension and flexion of knee joint improved and pain of knee joint decreased. Conclusion: This report suggests that acupotomy could be effectiqkve in medial meniscus tear.
Case Report | 2023-12-30
사독약침 치료를 포함한 한의 복합 치료를 통해 대상포진의 호전을 보인 환자 2례 증례 보고: 후향적 리뷰
A Case Series of Herpes Zoster Treated by Korean Medicine Treatment Including Snake Venom Pharmacopuncture: A Retrospective Review
김승민1, 최성운2,*, 김광호2
Journal of Korean Medical Society of Acupotomology 2023; 7(2): 219-225
https://doi.org/10.54461/JAcupotomy.2023.7.2.219AbstractAbstract : The aim of this study is to report the effectiveness of Combined Korean Medicine Treatments, including Snake Venom Pharmacupuncture for Herpes zoster patients. Two patients with Herpes zoster were treated with Combined Korean Medicine Treatments for two weeks. These treatments included Acupuncture, Electroacupuncture, Snake Venom Pharmacupuncture and Herbal medicine. The Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) assessment was used to evaluate the condition of patients with Herpes Zoster. The VAS score began to decrease when the Combined Korean Medicine Treatment started. And all the pain disappeared after the treatment was completed. We have confirmed that Combined Korean Medicine treatment, including Snake Venom Pharmacupuncture could be a good treatment for patients suffering from Herpes Zoster.
Case Report | 2023-12-30
침도요법을 포함한 한의복합치료로 호전된 교통사고로 인한 뇌진탕 후 증후군 증례 보고
A Case Report of Post-Concussion Syndrome Improved by Korean Medicine Treatment Including Acupotomy
박건희1,*, 송정현1, 이주현2
Journal of Korean Medical Society of Acupotomology 2023; 7(2): 226-229
https://doi.org/10.54461/JAcupotomy.2023.7.2.226AbstractAbstract : Background: The aim of this study is to report the effect of Acupotomy and combined korean medicine treatment on post-concussion syndrome. Methods: A 40-year-old patient with post-concussion syndrome was treated with Korean medicine treatment including acupotomy twice a week for four months. Treatment progress was assessed using Rivermead Post-Concussion Symptoms Questionnaire (RPQ). Results: The score of RPQ-3 was decreased from 12 to 4 and the score of RPQ-13 was decreased from 45 to 18. Conclusion: This improvement suggest the effectiveness of Acupotomy and Korean medicine on post-concussion syndrome.
Case Report | 2023-12-30
감전 및 추락 사고 이후 발생한 견부 통증 및 소양증의 침도치료 치험 1례
A Case Report of Posterior Shoulder Pain and Pruritus after Electric Shock and Falling Accident
우종원1,2, 유명석1,3,*
Journal of Korean Medical Society of Acupotomology 2023; 7(2): 230-235
https://doi.org/10.54461/JAcupotomy.2023.7.2.230AbstractAbstract : Objectives: The aim of this study is to report a case of a patient with both shoulder pain and pruritus occurred after an electric shock and falling accident. Methods: The patient received Acupotomy treatment and other Korean Medicine treatments. The effect of treatment was assessed by Numeric Rating Scale (NRS) and Neck Disability Index (NDI). Results: The NRS decreased from 8 to 2 and the NDI decreased from 32 to 2 after treatments. Conclusion: This report suggests that acupotomy and other Korean medicinal interventions could be effective in treating nerve injuries caused by electrical and mechanical damage.
Scope of J Acupotomy
A Case Report of 2 Patients with Bell’s Palsy Who Received Electroacupuncture and Cupping on the RSN Points
In Jun Wee1,* , Seung Hoon Lee1 , Hongik Kim2 , Sehun Jung3
Journal of Korean Medical Society of Acupotomology 2023; 7(1): 71-96https://doi.org/10.54461/JAcupotomy.2023.7.1.71
Acupoint Definition and Clinical Study Analysis for Internal and External Orifices of Intervertebral Foramen Procedures
Jaehoon Choi1,a , Hongmin Chu2,a , Kyungho Kang3 , Joohyun Lee4 , Myungseok Ryu5,*
Journal of Korean Medical Society of Soft Tissue 2022; 6(2): 96-102https://doi.org/10.54461/JKMST.2022.6.2.96
Protocol for Ultrasound-guided Acupotomy Procedure at Ligament Flavum
Kyungho Kang1,* , Kichang Oh2 , Jaehyo Kim3 , Hongmin Chu4
Journal of Korean Medical Society of Acupotomology 2023; 7(1): 1-6https://doi.org/10.54461/JAcupotomy.2023.7.1.1
In the Treatment of 3rd Lumbar Transverse Process Syndrome, Precautions for Transverse Process Acupuncture according to The Transition of The Kidney
Sungwoon Choi1,* , Kyungho Kang2 , Hongmin Chu3
Journal of Korean Medical Society of Soft Tissue 2022; 6(2): 85-88https://doi.org/10.54461/JKMST.2022.6.2.85