Ex) Article Title, Author, Keywords
Ex) Article Title, Author, Keywords
본지의 투고규정은 국제의학학술지 편집인위원회에서 마련한 생의학 학술지에 투고하는 원고의 통일 양식(Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical ournals) 을 근간으로 하여 이루어졌으며, 다음 사항에 명시되지 않은 사항 은 상기 양식의 일반적인 원칙에 따른다.
본지는 연 1회 발간하며, 원고는 편집위원회에서 공표한 날짜 내에 접수한다. 원고의 접수일은 원고가 편집위원회에 도착된 날 짜로 하며, 원고의 채택은 심사가 완료된 날짜로 한다.
원고는 “한글과 컴퓨터사”의 ‘한글’을 사용하여 A4 (210×297 mm) 백색 용지에 상하좌우에 30 mm의 여백을 두며, 활자의 크 기를 10포인트로 하고 전체 원고를 모두 줄간격 160%로 가로쓰기하는 것을 원칙으로 한다. 들여쓰기 등의 일체 문단 조절은 하지 않아야 하고 페이지 번호는 표제지로부터 연속하여 부여한다. 그림은 전체 원고에 포함시키고 별도의 파일을 제작하여 함께 제출한다. 원고는 전자우편을 이용하여 제출하거나 파일을 편집위원회로 제출한다. 파일이름은 저자명으로 하되 다수의 원고를 제출할 경우는 저자명 뒤에 간단한 내용을 병기한다.
예) 유명석(침도요법).hwp, 유명석(fig.1).jpg
원고의 분량은 A4 (210×297 mm) 백색 용지로 15면을 초과하지 않는 것을 원칙으로 한다.
논문의 순서는 표제지(title page), 초록(abstract)과 주제어(중심 단어, key words), 본문(texts), 감사의 말씀(acknowledgements), 참고문헌(references)의 순으로 하며(임상 및 증례보고, 종설은 예외) 본문은 서론, 재료(대상) 및 방법, 결과, 고찰, 결론 (요약) 항목으로 나눈다.
일반적인 사항은 원저의 논문 양식에 준한다.
Journal of Environmental Health Sciences (JEHS) is an official journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Health.
The mission of the Journal of Environmental Health Sciences is to promote research, policy, education, and practice in the field of environmental health, i.e., exposure assessment, toxicology or environmental epidemiology, risk assessment or management, indoor or outdoor air pollution, environmental measurement methods, engineering treatment techniques, food safety or environmental microbiology, occupational health, environmental health policy by publishing papers of high scientific quality.
The journal is issued six times a year (February, April, June, August, October, and December).
Any investigation under review in Journal of Environmental Health Sciences must be in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki of the World Medical Association (www.wma.net). Careful attention should be paid to participant confidentiality. Information identifying participants should not be used. It is the authors’ responsibility to verify that any research involving human subjects has been approved by the committee on human research ethics (institutional review board, IRB) that has reviewed the study’s protocols. The authors should state in the manuscript’s Methods section that such approval was received or have received a statement from the IRB that IRB approval was unnecessary and, where applicable, that appropriate informed consent was obtained. When reporting results of animal studies, authors should specify whether appropriate national or institutional guides for the care and use of laboratory animals were followed. All manuscripts submitted to Journal of Environmental Health Sciences should be free of plagiarism and data fabrication. Authors should be aware that instances of documented plagiarism and allegations of data fabrication will be brought to the attention of the authors’ host institution and retraction of the paper. Journal of Environmental Health Sciences follows the Good Publication Practice Guidelines for Medical Journals of the Korean Association of Medical Journal Editors.
Manuscripts in any one of the categories of research or opinion on environment health, i.e., original articles, reviews, short communication, perspectives, correspondence, and editorial are welcome. The manuscript has not already been published or submitted elsewhere. More instructions to authors are found in ‘General guidelines of anuscript preparation’ at the journal home page.
Submission of manuscript should be made via e-mail (kseh1971@gmail.com). Manuscripts can be submitted at any time. Original source files (MS Word or Hwp files) are requires for submission; PDF files will not be accepted. A manuscript should be submitted in duplicate with one original manuscript file containing author name(s) and affiliation(s) and one blinded file without name(s) and affiliation(s). Manuscripts will not be returned after submission.
December 2024
pISSN 2982-9976
eISSN 2983-0273
Frequency: Semiannual
In Jun Wee1,* , Seung Hoon Lee1 , Hongik Kim2 , Sehun Jung3
Kyungho Kang1,* , Kichang Oh2 , Jaehyo Kim3 , Hongmin Chu4
Jaeseok Kim1 , Goeun Gwon2 , Hongik Kim3 , Joohyun Lee4 , Sungwoon Choi5,*
Hongmin Chu1,2,a , Seongjun Park1,3,a , Kyungho Kang1,4 , Joohyun Lee1 , Jeewoo Oh5 , Juwon Yoon5 , Quanyu Piao3 , Jaehyo Kim3,* , Sanghun Lee6,7,*